Dr. Christine Horner: Why Medical Thermography?
Want to See What’s in Your Health Future?
Hello and welcome to the Schapera Show where Viv and Neil explore this big adventure called life. Our guest today is another dear friend of mine Dr. Christine Horner who has a most varied and exciting background! Hello, Christine!
Christine: Hello, Vivien! Thank you for having me on the show.
Vivien: Christine, I know this can’t be quick because there is so much, but can we begin with a sketch of what all you have done so far in this lifetime?
Christine: Aah, yes … I’m a nationally recognized surgeon, author, natural health expert and a relentless champion for women’s health.
Here’s a brief bio:
Christine Horner, MD FACS is a nationally recognized surgeon, author, natural health expert and relentless champion for women’s health. She received her medical degree at the University of Cincinnati, completed a general surgery residency at Good Samaritan Hospital in Cincinnati and a Plastic Surgery residency at Indiana University. She is board certified in both general and plastic surgery. Dr. Horner spearheaded legislation in the 1990s that made it mandatory that insurance companies pay for breast reconstruction following mastectomy. Her 5 years crusade—The Breast Advocacy Project—led to the passage of laws in 35 states and a federal law in 1998.
Vivien: Hmm, I remember those days. I remember when you went to meet the president. I could see such a fantastic aura around you when you came back from that meeting. You were walking on air. And then, you progressed to becoming an award-winning author?
Christine: Yes, I am the author of the award-winning book, Waking the Warrior Goddess: Dr Christine Horner’s Program to Protect Against and Fight Breast Cancer winner of the Independent Book Publishers Award 2006 for “Best Book in Health, Medicine, and Nutrition,” and the author of “Radiant Health Ageless Beauty: Dr. Horner’s 30-Day Program to Extraordinary Health and Longevity (2016) the winner of the 2017 eLit Award for “Best Book in Health, Medicine, and Nutrition”. I’ve been a frequent radio and television show guest, having been interviewed on FOX national News, CNN, and by Dr. Mercola, and Dr. Oz.
Vivien: And now you’ve become an expert in thermography?
Christine: Yes, I’ve been working as an interpreter of thermal imaging since 2017, and in 2022, I opened my own mobile thermal imaging business, “Dr. Christine Horner’s Medical Thermography Group of Southern California.” For more information go to www.drchristinehorner.com and www.MedThermSC.com
Vivien: Christine, why did you switch over to Medical Thermography?
Christine: That’s a long story! As a surgeon, I was alarmed as my breast cancer patients become younger and younger. When I operated on my first patient with breast cancer in her 20s, I started searching for answers to end the breast cancer epidemic. That took me into preventative medicine, and shortly thereafter I was introduced to thermography. I became very excited about this technology as a preventative tool. After interpreting thermal images for the past several years, I wanted to expand my work with this technology so that I could help more people and opened my own thermal imaging business.
Vivien: How does Thermography works as a preventative tool?
Christine: Thermography is able to “see” physiological changes years before someone may develop a serious illness. For example, I encounter women every week who have early warning signs in their breasts seen by thermography. After coaching them about diet, lifestyle, emotional work and a few dietary supplements, their follow-up thermal images show drastic improvements in as little as 3 months.
By using thermography, we can monitor your health and pick up physiological changes so early, they are easily reversable with simple diet and lifestyle changes.
Vivien: So that’s the big difference between say, “Thermography” and other Western Medicine Tools – our other tools have to wait until there are actual structural changes that fit into a diagnostic category, whereas Thermography can pick up pre-structural changes?
Christine: Yes, that’s exactly it. Physiological changes as seen in changes of the skin temperature happen far in advance of structural changes—up to many years.
Vivien: What kind of physiological changes do you see with thermography?
*Christine: Thermography will show various patterns that involve either too much heat or coolness. Too much heat can reflect many different issues from systemic inflammation, which appear as “mottling patterns”—or scattered fluffy heat patterns, increases in blood vessel patterns, focal areas of infections, or systemic issues such as high blood pressure, suggested when the ears, nose or fingernails are too warm. Abnormally cool areas may indicate a decrease in function of the underlying structure, such as the thyroid , or certain areas that may have decreased blood flow or nervous system issues. [Give answer – like inflammation, thickening — describe the tissue changes]
Vivien: This is of particular interest to me. As you know, quite a hefty proportion of my clientele is made up of medical professionals, and some of them are specifically coming to me because they don’t want to wait until they are actually sick. So, together, we’ve adopted this term “sub-clinical symptoms” to describe when we know “something’s going on” and yet we also know that going to the doctor isn’t going to yield any results or help.
Christine: Yes, that’s right. Western medicine has to stand by idly … waiting for the structural changes to happen and only then are they in a position to find issues and provide care.
Vivien: It really doesn’t make sense, does it? So, what kind of changes can Thermography show?
[I just answered that above *]
Christine: Thermography is not able to see deeper structures such as the lungs, kidneys, female organs and prostate unless there is a VERY big tumor or other issues, for that you need traditional Western medical assessments such as blood tests, MRI, CAT scans, ultrasounds etc. assessments which are available but we can pick up this kind of information:
Unexplained pain
Hidden inflammation
Digestive issues
Issues with the Liver, Stomach, Pancreas, Spleen, Intestines, Leaky gut
Thyroid function challenges
Immune Imbalance
Dental and Sinus issues
Neck and Spinal problems
Breast Health
Breast Risk Health Assessment
Lymphatic Congestion
Hormone Imbalance
Injury Assessment and Monitoring Musculoskeletal
Vivien: Christine, how does that work?
Christine: Medical infrared thermal imaging, is a non-contact, noninvasive, health-discovery technique that allows the examiner to visualize and quantify changes in skin surface temperature. Skin temperature is affected by physiological changes in the body caused by many different factors: from imbalances and dysfunctions, to diseases, infections and injuries. An infrared camera is able to “see” these changes in skin temperature. Instead of an image sensor that measures visible light, as is found in a standard camera, the thermal camera uses an infrared image sensor or scanning device that can convert infrared radiation emitted from the skin surface into electrical impulses that are visualized in color on a monitor.
Vivien: Aaah, so that’s what all the different colors are in the Thermal Imaging pictures – I see, blue and green and red and yellow in various densities. To me it’s like aura reading!
Christine: Yes, each color represents a specific temperature. A thermal image (or thermogram) is basically a graphical map of the body temperature. The spectrum of colors indicates an increase or decrease in the amount of infrared radiation being emitted from the body surface. Since there is a high degree of thermal symmetry in the normal body, subtle abnormal temperature asymmetries can be easily identified. While other diagnostics such as ultrasound, radiography and mammography show the body’s structure or anatomy, thermography is unique in that it shows physiologic and metabolic processes. It is the only test that allows us to noninvasively monitor dynamic changes in your body over time. In other words, it allows us to monitor your health and alert us to any changes at the earliest and most easily reversable states.
Vivien: And this is good for the clients to see as well, I would think?
Christine: Yes! Exactly that. Thermography is VISUAL and people are visual.
Vivien: We need to take a break soon, but before we do, please can you tell us how people can get hold of you?
Christine: www.drchristinehorner.com and www.MedThermSC.com
Vivien: And can you tell us your book titles again please?
Christine: Waking the Warrior Goddess: Dr. Christine Horner’s Program to Protect Against and Fight Breast Cancer, winner of the Independent Book Publishers Award 2006 for “Best Book in Health, Medicine, and Nutrition” and “Radiant Health Ageless Beauty: Dr. Horner’s 30-Day Program to Extraordinary Health and Longevity which won the eLit Award 2017 for “Best Book in Health, Medicine, and Nutrition.” My books are available on my websites, Amazon.com, and various other sites such as Barnes & Noble.
We are talking to Dr. Christine Horner, author and health expert extraordinaire here on the Schapera Show. We’re going to take a break now, and when we come back, Christine is going to tell us more about how we can improve our health.
Vivien: Hello and welcome back to the Schapera Show. We are talking to author and expert Dr. Christine Horner, who is telling us about the advantages of Thermal Imaging. Once you find out this information about yourself via Thermal Imaging what happens next?
Christine: We know what changes to make and why. These are the kind of changes:
Diet, Lifestyle, emotions, check for imbalances and attend to them.
Vivien: And this is precisely your expertise isn’t it – what changes to make in order to reclaim health.
Christine: That’s right, I’ve written these books Waking the Warrior Goddess: Dr. Christine Horner’s Program to Protect Against and Fight Breast Cancer, and Radiant Health Ageless Beauty: Dr. Horner’s 30-Day Program to Extraordinary Health and Longevity. As the title of my first book indicates, it is all about the natural approaches to protecting against and fighting breast cancer. Everything you need to avoid, because it increases your risk and everything you need to favor, because it lowers your risk. All the foods, supplements, lifestyle choices, and all the emotional, relationship and spiritual factors. RHAB is everything you need to know about how to become and stay healthy naturally. This is something I never learned in my Western Medical training!
Vivien: And in your podcast you’ve spoken to literally hundreds of health-care practitioners who offer a range of services, haven’t you.
Christine: Yes, that’s right. There are a lot of very well-qualified people out there and we need to learn how to access wellness for ourselves. You know, if you have an accident, or you already have structural changes then you need the benefits of Western Medicine, but if you want to be positively well it seems that the complementary disciplines offer many constructive avenues.
Vivien: This is your mission isn’t it – to help women avoid the horrors of cancer, and instead reach vibrant good health.
Christine: Yes, that most definitely is my mission: Making your health a priority is crucially important. If you don’t, your chances of suffering from an illness are extremely high. The good news is, most chronic diseases are preventable and often reversable. You have tremendous control over your own state of health. If you do suffer with health issues, consider that the Universe may be trying to get your attention to take this opportunity to go on your spiritual and evolutionary path to wellness. Western Medicine does not focus on root causes of disease, or how to create and maintain extraordinary health.
There are so many extraordinary complementary and alternative medicine techniques and practitioners available now that can help you to get well. Use your intuition to guide you to your best teachers.
Vivien: And, Christine, when you say “use your intuition” to guide you, what does that mean in practice? How does it feel when you’re using your intuition correctly?
Christine: For me, it is simply what “feels” right. Choose the practitioners and techniques that just “click” for you. As soon as you meet the healer, or experience the technique, you are clear this is who you need to be with or what you need to be doing at this moment in time.
Vivien: I see our time is drawing to a close. Christine this is invaluable information that literally can save lives. Thank you for coming on the show today. Before you go, please can you tell us one more time how we can get hold of you?
Christine: www.drchristinehorner.com and www.MedThermSC.com
Vivien: Well, again, thank you, Dr. Christine Horner. We’re going to take a break now and when we come back, Neil will continue with his report from the Spirit Dimension.
What is thermography? A physiology test that uses an infrared camera to measure the surface temperature of the skin.
What is it able to show? Thermography can reveal the overall state of a person’s health and any specific physiological imbalances, dysfunctions, inflammation, injuries, infections or other pathology.
Who can benefit from it the most? Anyone! It can help people with chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes and cancers monitor their health. It is also ideal for healthy people, providing assurance and safety by allowing you to monitor your health, detect imbalances at very early stages, and then observe how small improvements in your diet and lifestyle can easily restore you to balance.
How do you find a good thermographer? https://iamtonline.org/ has a list of certified thermographers who use the top-of-the-line system.
What are the most important components for getting the most benefits from your thermal imaging? An excellent thermographer, camera, software, physician interpreter and a local integrative health practitioner to design your health program are crucially important. Following all the pre-scan instructions is also essential for getting the best images.
How often should thermal imaging be done? Once every 6 months to a year for the general body, and the breast follow up is determined by the thermographic findings—3 months, 6 months or a year.
Do I need a referral from a doctor? No
Does insurance pay for it? Some insurance companies pay for thermography, but most do not. You can submit the ICD-10 and CPT codes to your insurance company to see if you can get a reimbursement.